Mega Man: Error 1044

{{Image_Textbox|row1 = The shadow|image1 = Spooky mega man.png|caption1 = This was the shadow that was in the game}}I was at Goodwill trying to find a replacement for my Mom's favorite plate because when my friend was over at my house, he broke it like the asshole he is. While I was trying to find the perfect plate, I walked into the electronics section and found a Game Boy Advance cartridge, it was a Mega Man game! I grabbed it because I was a huge Mega Man fan, much like everyone else. Eventually, I found the perfect plate. I went up to the cashier and gave him my money and then I skedaddled out of the store. I went home and put the plate on the kitchen counter and went into my room. I grabbed my Game Boy Advance SP and slammed the Mega Man game into the cartridge slot. The title screen was normal so I selected the button that said "NEW GAME." The first level was Mega Man walking in a dark forest in the middle of the night. Every now and again I would see a shadow dash across the screen which kinda creeped me out, but I brushed it off and thought it was just a glitch. When I got to the end of the level, something insane happened. The same shadow from before was standing in front of me. It was the exact same as Mega Man's sprite but it was completely black except for his red eyes. By this point all of my family was asleep so I held back the urge to scream. The shadow started levitating towards me, I tried to make Mega Man run but he wouldn't move. All of a sudden I got the feeling that someone was behind me, I didn't look because I knew nothing good could come out of it. When the shadow caught up to me, the Game Boy Advance had an error, It said "ERROR 1044: THE SHADOW HAS GOT YOU NOW." After the error showed up the game crashed and my bedroom light turned on by itself. Ever since I played that game I've been very paranoid. It's gotten to the point where I thought about suicide. One day, I had enough of this curse so I went into my room and grabbed the cartridge and brought it into my backyard. I smashed it to pieces with a hammer and then threw the pieces over my neighbor's fence. I don't think I will play a Mega Man game ever again. I'm lucky to be alive after all that happened. But remember, if you ever find a Mega Man game for the Game Boy Advance at a thrift store. DON'T PLAY IT NO MATTER WHAT OR YOU WILL BE NEXT! Who knows? You might actually be next.